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Write Speak Code

We're 168极速赛车官方开奖记录查询75秒开奖数据 168极速赛车开奖官网极速赛车开奖官网结果 on a mission to promote the visibility and leadership of technologists with marginalized genders through peer-led professional development.

Write/Speak/Code is a 501c3, tax-exempt non-profit that hosts an annual conference and meetup events designed to help you fully own your expertise through writing, speaking, and open source.

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Our community is open to and our content is designed for people whose gender or gender history is marginalized within tech.

We define those gender groups as:

  • All women technologists (trans, non-binary, and cis)
  • All trans technologists (trans women, trans men, and trans non-binary folks)
  • All non-binary technologists (including GNC, gender-fluid, genderqueer, agender folks, etc)

We want to equip people from these groups to overcome both the internal and external effects of that marginalization by identifying, expanding, and sharing their expertise with the support of an engaged peer network.

Read the code of conduct

W/S/C Conference

Designed to help you fully own your expertise through writing, speaking, and open source.

Past years:

Own Your Expertise

Present 75秒官网开奖 168官方开奖极速赛车168线上查询开奖直播结果 最可靠的极速赛车平台 your accomplishments with confidence.

Learn to understand, own, and convert your expertise into thought leadership, conference speaking, and contributions to open source.

We provide breakfast and lunch for all dietary needs, wheelchair accessible location, nursing rooms and childcare services, CART/ASL services, and other accessibility needs as requested.

Find local events 

Local Chapters

We have communities in cities across the U.S.

Don't see your city? Contact to learn how we can help you start a chapter.

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Recruit talented, driven technologists.

Sponsorship is the most effective way to demonstrate your commitment to the professional development of people with marginalized genders at your organization.

Write/Speak/Code is a 501c3 nonprofit. Contact to learn more.

2019 Sponsorship Prospectus 






Community Partners